Looking for a local retail location?

Looking for a local retail location?

Our retail channel is growing. Here is where you will find a list of where our products can be found, from local storefronts to independent resellers.

→ Our product can be found at many Greenhawk's and Peavey Mart's across Canada! Be sure to contact them ahead of time and if they don't currently have inventory of our product, they will be more than happy to order some for you.

→ Smart Earth Camelina Oil is also available at select veterinary clinics.

→ Check with your local pet or Ag. store to find your Smart Earth product. Some stores may be willing to carry it on request if they aren't stocking it already.

Interested in becoming a Smart Earth Ambassador? Fill out the form to see if you're a fit!

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→ Please note, any issues arising from purchases that do not occur via our online marketplace must be resolved directly with the seller a customer has purchased from.