Industrial Applications

Extraction, Characterization of Components, and Potential Thermoplastic Applications of Camelina Meal Grafted with Vinyl Monomers – N. Reddy, E. Jin, L. Chen, X. Jiang and Y. Yang – Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2012

Summary: In this research, the components in camelina meal were extracted and studied for their composition, structure, and properties. The potential of using the camelina meal to develop thermoplastics was also studied by grafting various vinyl monomers. Link:
by David Roberts on August 05, 2014

Physical, chemical, and lubricant properties of Brassicaceae oil K. Ratanapariyanuch, J. Clancy, S. Emami, J. Cutler and M.J.T. Reaney – European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 2013

Summary: Oil from the seed of seven Brassicaceae species, Sinapis alba (yellow mustard), Camelina sativa (false flax), Brassica carinata (Ethiopian mustard), B. napus (rapeseed), B. juncea (oriental mustard), B. rapa (field mustard), and S. arvensis (wild mustard), were recovered by cold pressing and filtration without further refining. The physical, chemical, and lubricant properties of the oils were determined. Link:
by David Roberts on August 05, 2014

Stabilisation of camelina oil methyl esters through selective hydrogenation – P. Pecchia, I. Galasso, S. Mapelli, P. Bondioli, F. Zaccheria, N. Ravasio – Industrial Crops and Products 2013

Summary: The high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids of camelina oil (over 50%), which is rich in linolenic acid (37–40%) limits its commercial value and large-scale production. To improve the oil quality and its oxidative stability the methyl esters have been selectively hydrogenated using a non-toxic and non-pyrophoric heterogeneous copper catalyst. Our results showed that both catalysts are able to ...
by David Roberts on August 05, 2014

Use of straight vegetable oil mixtures of rape and camelina as on farm fuels in agriculture – H.M. Paulsen, V. Wichmann, U. Schuemann, and B. Richter – Biomass & Bioenergy 2011

Summary: Possibilities for using straight vegetable oil (SVO) from Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz (camelina or false flax) and its mixtures with Brassica napus (rape) SVO as fuel in adapted diesel engines are described with chemical parameters, measurements in a test engine and a field test in a tractor. The results principally reveal the usability of a cold pressed, non-refined camelina-rape ...
by David Roberts on August 05, 2014

Transesterification of Camelina sativa Oil using Supercritical and Subcritical Methanol with Cosolvents – P.D. Patil, V.G. Gude, and S. Deng – Energy Fuels 2010

Summary: Transesterification of camelina oil using supercritical methanol with hexane as a cosolvent and subcritical methanol along with potassium hydroxide as a cosolvent/catalyst was investigated to study the methyl ester conversion process. Fuel properties of the biodiesel produced are comparable to those of regular diesel and conform to the ASTM standards. Link:
by David Roberts on August 05, 2014

Biodiesel Production from Jatropha Curcas, Waste Cooking, and Camelina Sativa Oils – P.D. Patil, V.G. Gude, and S. Deng – Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2009

Summary: Process parameter evaluation and catalyst performance study was conducted for biodiesel production using Jatropha curcas, waste cooking, and Camelina sativa oil.  Fuel properties of biodiesel produced from the three different feedstocks were determined and compared with the ASTM standards for biodiesel and petroleum diesel. Link:
by David Roberts on August 05, 2014