Enter our draw to win a production credit of $2,750 on your next Camelina contract.

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3 reasons you need to grow NewGold Camelina  

1. Lets start with a no-brainer

Have land with lighter soils? Need a crop with lower input costs than canola? Want to grow an oilseed rotation crop to remove volunteer canola? Experiencing drought conditions? Want to invest in your local economy? Just like every smart Saskatchewan grower?

2. Made to Yield. Made to Sell. Made local in Saskatchewan.

Bred specifically for Saskatchewan canola and flax growers with light sandy soils, only NewGold Camelina is patent protected, drought tolerant and resistant to flea beetles, blackleg and blackspot—with high yield and marketability potential.

3. Accomplish more on your marginal land

Offering competitive pricing and superior performance on marginal land, this Canadian-grown crop is a great fit for your farm, if you:

☑️ Have land with lighter soils

☑️ Need a crop with lower input costs than canola

☑️ Want to grow an oilseed rotation crop to remove volunteer canola

☑️ Experience drought conditions

☑️ Want to invest in your local economy

Talk about smart. Meet some of our growers.

Nick & Steve Burtney - Prince Albert, SK

Gerry Schiltroth - Ridgedale, SK

Ben Siwack - Prince Albert, SK

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